Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day off

Winter is round the corner, the days are getting shorter, the sun is a pirate copy of the punishing February/March times and going out means start layering, and that's what I did when we left home this morning after talking to family on the net. 
Today we went out to support a demontration against this idea the government has of opening national parks for mining. If you are reading this in NZ you should go behind it not as a matter of politics but as a way to ensure we keep enjoying what makes this little couple of island a great green country. Click here to make a submission against mining on National Parks land.

I'm a keen tramper and also as part of triathlon training I get to enjoy some of the most beautiful scenary in the area when biking, or swimming or doing trail runs and I wouldn't like it to be spoiled or taken from my choices for a X training day. Then we had a very lazy day out with Nat and back home I made my famous feijoa jam. A classic in our little family since ages ago. (2 autumns). Feijoa season is coming to an end and I couldn't get hold of many on the last weeks so I'm gonna be busy making some jam the next couple of weeks.

I'm off to see a movie and enjoy the rest of my day off,


  1. opening parks to mining is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! are they desperate for tax dollars?? good idea to make a stand! hope rest day was good and the jam is tasty!

  2. Cuando tengas la mermelada, y vaya Jorgelina, quiero un pote. ¿Los levantas de la calle los frutos? Nosotros mandamos membrillo para las pastafrolas. Mami.

  3. Ah! y por supuesto que me opongo absolutamente a que entreguen los parques nacionales a la Minería. Así que si se apoya esta medida con un envío de correo electronico, hacé el mensaje con mi direccion, y envialo. Amorina.
