Monday, July 5, 2010

Dark patch

The mighty argentinean team lost in the quarter finals game against Germany. It was a very hard couple of days. The game aired at 2am Sunday NZ time. I planned to do a lot of training on the Saturday, sleep a little siesta and go to the local to see the game with another couple of hundred expats.
I went to a core and muscle conditioning session that coach runs during the off season. They do this circuit of 20 workouts in 20 minutes as 20seconds excercice, 40 rest, then 25secs excercise, 35 sec rest... and so on through 12 weeks. Saturday was a 45do 15 rest, and I think it kind of cooked me. I jumped on my bike and off for a 80km ride, that I did with my backpack carrying the clothing from the previous session. A different way to go up the hills, and certainly a different way to do little 3km TT's.
Got home, ate, watched movies and slept it.
The game was interesting but not flash and I went to bed at 4am really p'ssed in more than one sense, but knowing I had all Sunday to lay in.
Unfortunately my body and my circadian rythm weren't of the same opinion and I woke up at 10 or just past. Had brekkie, called the family and took Nat out.
Today is the start of the race prep phase and I did a half cooked workout due to a shoulder niggle.
That's the recent developments from rainy Auckland
thanks to all those that voted, and to the one's who didn't please do on the following link:

Date: 2-3 July
Sport: Swimming/Running/Cycling
Time: 60min/45min/180min
Dist: 3.5km/8km/80km
Comment: grey weekend.

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